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Stay In The Know:

Why to go organic!

Welcome to the third instalment of the weekly Fancy Kids blog and thanks for stopping by once again! We are so grateful to our ever growing community of customers and designers who believe children’s fashion should combine incredible creativity, with products made from high quality organic and environmentally friendly materials. In this sense, we felt this particular blog post marked the right time for us at Fancy Kids to express in a little more detail our belief in the importance of organic products, why they are so fundamentally important to our identity as a brand, and how we wish to proudly represent this area within the industry we are so dedicated to playing an active role in.

In the modern world we are all aware of the damage poorly manufactured materials can have on people and the environment around us. We believe that we as a society need to be educated to a higher level on how using unethical materials can be dangerous for people’s health, cause irreparable damage to the natural world and only serve to further support dreadful working conditions for people in poorer conditions, who are essentially working in sweatshops to make these types of products. It was vital from the beginning Fancy Kids as a brand only sourced designers using organic materials. The health and safety of children doesn’t just stop with their parents, we as a brand have a huge responsibility to the children wearing the products we promote. Clothes made from poor and unethical materials can cause all manner of problems for a child’s health, from extreme discomfort to skin irritation. The difference between these types of products and clothing items made from 100% organic cotton for example is vast. Children wearing 100% organic products from ethical designers such as Manoko, House of Jamie, Livly, Rock The Goat and the many more brands Fancy Kids are proud to be working with, will immediately feel more comfort on their skin because the material is natural and breathable, allowing young children to be more free in their movement.

Also, beyond the everyday wearing of the clothing, it is simply safer for children to be wearing organic products, and in buying these types of clothes us as adults are making a far more positive contribution to our planet. This is evident in the sense organic cotton is completely unlike the rest of the cotton industry, as it comes from crops that aren’t treated with pesticides, insecticides, herbicides and Genetically Modified Organisms. These toxins are harmful for farmers and workers, us as consumers, and the entire welfare of our eco-system.

Luckily for us at Fancy Kids, we are continually inspired by the amount of designers we are able to source who share the same ethos as ourselves, and it is our privilege to present their clothes to our customers on the Fancy Kids website. Above all else however we have been overwhelmed with the realisation of just how many parents believe in the importance of buying their children’s clothes made from organic materials only. This pushes us to work even harder in making more items available on our website, and so if you want to become an influencer and trendsetter in this area of children’s fashion, please feel free to browse our website and get in contact with us any time to purchase products you are inspired by.

Thanks again for all the support so far, we appreciate it more than we could ever put into words!

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