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Stay In The Know:

Christmas Thoughts

After what has been an incredible first year for Fancy Kids we almost cannot believe it is now officially the week of Christmas! Time certainly seems to fly when you’re having fun and not to mention being extremely busy also, but much like yourselves who we are sure have been running around getting your final bits and pieces for Christmas Day, we wouldn’t swap the manic days and nights for the world as we feel very lucky to be doing a job we love.

2015 has seen us build relationships with wonderful designers, which has allowed Fancy Kids to present beautiful children’s clothes and accessories to our customers, and we hope we have provided you guys with some lovely Christmas gifts for your children as well! We love this time of year as more than anything it provides everyone with the perfect opportunity to catch up with family and friends, and often particularly those loved ones who we perhaps do not get to see as often as we’d like to.

There is nothing quite like all spending time with each other over the dinner table, whilst wearing silly Christmas hats and telling cracker jokes that are so bad they are actually funny. We love it all! And of course whilst us adults can finally relax a little on the big day and enjoy ourselves, when there are little ones around the whole experience is so much more enthralling. Seeing the joy on their faces as they wake up to find Father Christmas has left presents for them in the night, and he’s even eaten the mince pie they left out for him offers us the kind of joy which money simply can’t buy, and indeed we all relive a little of our own childhood again through our own children’s happiness over the whole festive period.

Once Christmas Day is over, let us not forget that Boxing Day is not only perfect for eating leftover turkey sandwiches, but making the most of all the Christmas sales as well. You can find some absolute bargains both in shops and online, and remember the Fancy Kids website is open 365 days a year! If you haven’t managed to get all the things you wanted for your children already, you can certainly buy some beautiful products with often as much as half the amount off the normal retail price from the 26th December onwards…so keep an eye out for anything you think would look adorable on your child!

More than anything though, as we reflect on the year that is coming to an end and look ahead to next year with growing excitement, all of us at Fancy Kids want to wish you a very Merry Christmas with plenty of yuletide cheer. We hope you all have a lovely time over the next week, and also have a very Happy New Year as well….we have a good feeling 2016 is going to be a special one!

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