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Stay In The Know:

Cooking with Charley Fouquet

Charley Fouquet, author of the book

“Les Recettes des contes de Fées” (The Fairy Tales recipes)

Charley Fouquet is an actress in France. It was while writing the feature film that she had the idea for ​​the book. She is passionate about cooking, She combined her two skill sets by writing a cookbook.The main character has this idea about a book featuring Fairy Tale recipes during a work meeting with an editor and her boss. So she created a mini story that starts with “What the story does not say” to put the recipe in context. She had a child during this time and she dreamt that her son would hold the book in his hands one day...

From her book we choose

The Scones of "Alice in Wonderland"

The book recipe is available here!


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