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Stay In The Know:

Interview with 'The Spoiled Mummy'

Grace is a mummy of three children from Manila (Philipines). She is passionated about family, food, travel, beauty, home and entertaining. She launched her blog in 2012 and it became soon a real success! This accomplished blogger and entrepreneur, recently introduced her own line of home products that espouses the characteristics of quality, elegance, and style. All personally conceptualised by herself, the items include premium candles, fragrances, and stationery as its first series of products for luxurious living lifestyle.

Let us indroduce you to Grace Barbers-Baja...

1) You're running a successful blog, you started your lifestyle brand "Grace Home" and you are raising three children...give us your secret to manage everything?

Personally, I don’t think that there is a secret to how I am managing all these things together.

Yes I do have a full plate now and I admit, it’s not easy to run a blog and manage a new home line while taking care of 3 growing children. But what I think really helps me a lot now are my basic skills in organization and time management. Through time, I’ve learned that it’s all about finding the right balance amongst my priorities. It’s about organizing my daily schedule properly, managing my time well to accomplish the more important things first over the less urgent ones and learning when to say NO when necessary!

2) What inspired you to start the Spoiled Mummy and the Grace Home?

The Spoiled Mummy was born out of my love in sharing information. I am often the “resource person” amongst my small circle of family and friends when it comes to things related to food, travel and home. They would usually ask me or get my tips on things that matter to them. And when I am able to share something, the effect on me is actually the opposite…I feel that I am the one gaining or learning something new!

So the blog is really my avenue to channel that passion of sharing. I find that even in my day to day life, there is always something that I want to share – whether it’s the baker I discovered for a delicious homemade chocolate cake or my recent food finds in the market or my travel tips and must-sees in a particular city or my thoughts on being a mummy entrepreneur. And of course at the end of it, I always hope that people will find these things useful to them, one way or another. Meanwhile, GRACE HOME was born out of my love for the home. I am a wife and a mummy first and foremost, and so the home is truly where my heart is. My daily schedule revolves around my family, my home, So it was quite natural for me to start a home line. Also, not many people know that I’ve always had that entrepreneurial streak within me! I’ve always liked to sell, even when I was still a little girl! Back in the day, I would sell anything – from pencils to my stationery collection to my homecooked pasta to a few unique home accessories I would source from my travels. So GRACE HOME is my way of sharing this interest of mine in homemaking, entertaining, and in running a business as well.

3) What are your favourite activities to share with your children?

Cooking in our kitchen, discovering new restaurants (yes, we all love to EAT!) and of course, travelling, more than anything else! We are a family who loves to travel. We probably travel as often as every 2 – 3 months. As long as there is a long weekend or a school holiday or a big break – you can expect us to be out the door in no time! We’ve explored the world with them as early as when they were two months old… yes, even without them realizing it yet!

4) What's your best place to travel?

Anywhere with good food, nice and safe place to stay in and interesting sights to see is a good place to visit and bring the kids.

5) What's your favourite family time moment?

Eating together. Eating is something we all enjoy and love. Our dinners at home are very sacred to us, as this is the time we are able to get together and share our own stories about the day.

6) What do you like to do in your free time?

Get a nice blow-out in the salon or a massage at the spa!

7) What would be your best beauty secret?

Rest. Sleep. Something that I am also not very good at! My mind is always full (with home and work related stuff) and I am always on hyper mode – as I feel there are so many things to do in such a little amount of time. But I guess most mums are like that nowadays! Everything is happening so fast, so soon and the challenge to each one of us is how to cope, how to manage everything, how to strike that elusive work-life balance, and how to do well in everything we set our hearts into. So in the midst of all these busyness, a good night’s rest is really very important. We should never underestimate the power of sleep. Personally, I’ve seen and felt the wonderful benefits of a good 7-8 hours of sleep, in the same way that I’ve also seen the ill effects on me (and to those around me!) of not having enough! So yes, sleep is the best beauty secret – which no amount of money can buy!

8) Your favourite outfit from Fancy Kids is...

My little 5 year old is a true fashionista! She enjoys shopping for clothes, trying them on and wearing as many as 3 outfits a day! My favorites from Fancy Kids are the ones that of course fit her style and personality : Hucklebones tops and bottoms, Livly skirts and dresses, Lalo Cardigans, anything Marie Chantal and of course, the Obadash swimsuits!

Thank you, Grace!

If you want to know more about Grace:

Follow her on Instagram

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