Cooking with Delfina Blaquier

Could you give us your best recipe for your little ones?
I love to give them cold pressed juices, they are a fun and easy way to include fruit and veggies in the diets! (and sometimes they turn into sorbets). I enjoy making them with my older with my older daugther Aurora, she's the expert on this matter:)
-2 apples
-1/4 lemon (with skin and all)
-1 pear
-1/2 pineapple
-6 big strawberries
-1 peach
in that order, put one by one in the juicer
It's awesome!
I love this brand ZOKU because you can make the children eat (anything) in any shape, and healthy that they usually wouldn't, like broccoli blended with the juice that I just told you and they would be happy to devour it!:)