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The Importance of Pets in the Family

Almost every child loves animals, and for good reason; they’re cuddly, fun and make great companions! If you don’t already have one in your home, your kids have probably begged you for a puppy or a kitten at one point or another.

The good news is that pets can have a wonderful impact on your child’s life and can help them in many areas of development. Here are our thoughts on the benefits of pets for children and whether or not you should add a pet to your family.

The Benefits of Pets for Kids

Whether you love cats or you’re more of a dog person, one of the biggest benefits of having a four-legged friend is that it will teach your children some important values. Even toddlers can learn the importance of responsibilities such as feeding a pet, cleaning them, or just being kind and gentle. It will also give them the skills they need to nurture and care for others from an early age.

Studies have also shown that family pets, especially dogs, can boost a kid’s self-esteem and happiness. The reason for this is because they have a loyal companion who loves them and who gives them their undivided attention. They can play with them, talk to them and even study with them to improve their academic skills; it has been proven that reading aloud to a dog or cat can actually increase a child’s reading confidence.

Other experts say that kids who grow up with pets are less likely to get ill and develop common allergies thanks to exposure to certain bacteria. A study in 2012 showed that children who lived with dogs were healthier, with less respiratory problems and ear infections than those who didn’t. In addition to this, petting, brushing and stroking a furry friend can lower stress levels and provide comfort; a benefit for both kids and parents.

Should You Get a Pet?

As you can see, pets can make a valuable and much loved addition to a family but the decision to get a pet is an individual one. If you have the space at home and the time to look after them properly, then getting a dog or a cat can be a great idea that will benefit your children in many ways.

However, sometimes there are reasons why getting a pet won’t work for you, such as working long hours or living in a small apartment. Perhaps you have an allergy to pet hair or you’re just not ready for a pet yet. This doesn’t mean that children can’t benefit from being around animals, though. There are many other ways for kids to get involved with them.

If your child loves animals, horse riding classes are a recommended option. Not only are they good fun, but they’re a great way to introduce kids to animal care, teach them about discipline and boost their confidence around other species. Alternatively, you could visit a local animal farm with your children or offer to help out with your friends’ or family members’ pets. Whether you take their dog for a walk or look after their cat for the weekend, your children can enjoy some of the benefits of being around animals.

Do you have pets in your home or do you take part in animal-related activities? Tell us about your experience of introducing your children to animals in the comments below.

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