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Stay In The Know:

Interview with The London Dad

Fancy Kids regularly conduct interviews with mums to give you an insight into different types of parenting. But to celebrate Father’s Day, we will be putting the focus on the men by talking to some exceptional dads. Let’s take a look at some of our favourite dads, who will be featured on our blog this Father’s Day.

Greg Stanton: The London Dad

We love to read about parenting in London, so Greg Stanton is one of our favourite parent bloggers. His blog, The London Dad, is all about his life living in Wimbledon with his wife Alice, (founder and editor of the brilliant Avocado Magazine), his little girl Etta and Cat the dog.

The London Dad is a great resource for parenting advice as well as recommendations for places to eat and things to do in the city.

Tell us more about your role as a dad?

In our house we try to blur the lines behind parenting stereotypes so I am less dad and more a combination of mum and dad with Alice being the same. Sometimes it works but sometimes it doesn't, Etta really has days or weeks where one of us is favoured over the other so it pays to be able to work both roles.

How becoming a dad changed you?

Wow good one, being a dad has changed me a huge amount. If you knew me before I was pretty wild.

I now fully appreciate what it is to curl up and chill with her as well as just going to the park for no reason other than to watch her and play, walk, discover and climb the odd tree.

What inspired you to start your blog?

I started the instagram page to to try and drive traffic to Alice’s site Avocado Magazine (shameless plug) and it really snowballed from their. I think people appreciate seeing parenthood from a dads point of view.

Your Instagram’s page is followed by 27.9K, can I call you a dad’s influencer?:) Do you thing dads are more involved in children’s lives now than they were before?

Dunno about a dad influencer, maybe an inspirer if that is even a word. Avocado Magazine was started in the belief of a platform for non judgemental advice about all things mum / baby / toddler / child /entrepreneur so if London Dad can match even part of that then I will be a happy man.

What’s “dad’s Breakfast Club” is all about?

So I figured that the mums were having all the fun… Well maybe better put that there was no where for dads to hang out with their minis and interact with other parents. All of the groups are generally targeting mums or have a large mum demographic so its not that easy for a dad to go hang out and parent in the way that dads do. Its different, we do things without our partners there, that we wouldn't do if they were there and I wanted to try and create an event that embraced that but at the same time offered a chance for dads to network, skill share and dadpreneur.

What kind of activities do you like to do with your little one?

We love to have a walk in the park and on the common, if we have not left the house by 7 then e gets her jacket and boots on and put the lead on Cat the Dog, subtle hint dropper. I have her to myself on Wednesdays and we can usually be found in a gallery in the morning before sharing lunch in some too cool for school spot in Soho that doesn't have high chairs before shopping and a walk around whole foods. We are big into reading at the moment so the library is a new fav. At home we are big painters, she is like a mad troubled soul when she paints, stabbing paint onto the paper in inspired rage.

Proudest moment of being a dad?

Too many to mention, she makes me proud every day with her consider kindness and ease to share with other kids. Hmm proudest moment, when she copies my dancing probably.

What gift would make father’s day special for you?

I get to spend a lot of time with e but running a few business it always involves a phone in one hand so a day out with the phones at home all of my girls with me hanging out would be cool.

Do you like cooking for Etta, a recipe you’d like to share with us?

Cooking, we love to cook, we tend to cook Japanese or Asian food as I spent 10 years there.

I could share with you Alice’s chicken katsu curry recipe but I would have to kill you.


If you want to know more about The London Dad:

Follow him on Instagram

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