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Gotta Catch ‘Em All – How to stay safe with Pokémon Go

We can take a guess that in the last 24 hours, you will have walked past someone with their phone in hand, frantically tapping at their screen with a look of pure elation. Chances are they were engrossed in a game of Pokémon Go, the latest app from the kids cartoon franchise that is taking the world by storm. Everyone from school kids to office workers has been on a mission to ‘catch ‘em all’.

Put simply, Pokémon Go is an augmented reality game based on the Pokémon TV show, card and video games. The aim of the game is to head outside with your phone and catch as many Pokémon as possible. With over 150 different kinds of Pokémon to catch, it’s little wonder this is a highly addictive game. Using GPS tracking, the app means the user can go to real-life locations in real-time, with icons popping up on an on-screen map. These little creatures can be caught using a Poké Ball; the object is to cover as plenty of ground and catch as many Pokémon as possible. With the addition of Pokémon Gyms and the Pokédex, there’s plenty of exploring to be done!

As parent’s, we are always looking for new ways to encourage our children to get off their phone and explore a world beyond the living room sofa. While they may still be on their device, Pokémon Go encourages kids of all ages to head outside, perhaps to a local park or to get some exercise while on a particularly juicy trail! It’s also a great way for kids to interact with other players their own age.

But the question on every parent’s lips, is how safe is Pokémon Go for kids? The primary concern is that any player’s location can be tracked and revealed to other players. Other issues include the fact that Pokémon Go drains phone battery quickly, meaning your child could be unable to get in touch while out and about. Read below for our top tips on how to ensure your child is safe while playing.

  • Make sure your kids are aware of their surroundings whilst out Pokémon hunting; while they may be entirely consumed in the game, remind them to look out for road crossings, traffic and other passers-by.

  • Play as a family. Pokémon Go is a great excuse to encourage your kids to get out and about and is a fun way to explore the outdoors as a family. You could play together on the same device, or have a bit of friendly competition as you play on different devices and see who can catch the most!

  • Equip your kids with a portable battery charger to ensure that you can easily keep in contact if their device runs out of charge.

  • Talk to your kids about chatting to strangers. People of all ages are playing Pokémon and while it’s a great opportunity to meet fellow players, be sure your child is aware of the dangers of talking to strangers.

  • Turn off ‘location tracking’ on your child’s device when they aren’t playing.

  • Create a dedicated email account for playing Pokémon; you can use your own name when signing up but create a screen name that protects your child’s identity.

  • Make sure your child is aware of trespassing on private property; it isn’t worth venturing into a neighbours garden just to catch that illusive Pokémon!

  • Update the app regularly to keep up with privacy updates, and be sure to turn off in-app purchases if you don’t want a hefty monthly bill!

Have you and your family discovered Pokémon Go yet? Concerned about game safety? Let us know your own tips on our social media channels.

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